Walking through the Hidden Gardens courtyard off North Park Avenue, the light caught my eye. Party lights hovered above and the dark skies of blue hour softened the view. As I set up my camera on a chair near The Ancient Olive entrance, a woman inside the shop stepped to the doorway to ask me if everything was OK.
“Everything’s great!” I replied and returned the inquiry. When she saw the camera and recognized my subject, she shared a story. Apparently, the upstairs space remains as the last residence in the Park Avenue shopping district. Everything else has been converted to shops, restaurants or offices. She continued with the story of the districts last resident.
The second-story residence, whose windows are visible in the right of the photo, features an appealing terrace space set with chairs and tables. A couple of chairs are visible behind the parapet fence in the upper left of the photograph, above the side entrance to Tugboat and the Bird.

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